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Annual Report

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File State Annual Report

Most entities are required to file annual reports with the states that they are organized in. Be proactive about this, as it is generally a simple process that typically can be done in January every new year.

Additional Note: Due dates are not consistent from state to state, they may be based off of your fiscal year, the calendar year, or anniversary of entity registration. Make sure that you know your state requirements, and contact us< if you need assistance.

See the page:<  

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Florida Corporate Filings Due

Clients must file their Florida Annual Reports after January 1st, and before May 1st. 

The Florida government's website is:<

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State Corporate Filing Websites

Typically corporations are required to file annual reports, most of which can be easily filed online. We hope that the following list will be helpful, please contact us< if you need any assistance. We have marked the most common states. 

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Where Do I File My Companies Annual Report?

You file your companies Annual Report in the state that it was incorporated in, this is not necessarily the state that you do the most business in.

See the Page:<

Its a good reference, providing links to the various websites used by each state.

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